Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Come and Gone
I'm looking at 2009 as yet another God-given opportunity to make a difference in this world. With every coming of a new year, we see find a chance for a fresh start or various changes. January 1 marks the beginning of a new calendar year. We, myself included, forget that everyday is the beginning of a new year.
I'm ready to dive deeper into relationships with the young girls at KSU. I'm ready to step outside of my comfort zone and into a social circle. I'm hoping to succeed and learning to fail.
Happy New Year 2009!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
A Perfect Love
I had never been to a midnight movie premiere before, so I didn't know what to expect. I wasn't expecting the high-pitched screams of excitement from the girls in the audience when the main character, Edward, walked on screen. I also wasn't expecting to be entertained in the least.
I'm glad I went, because I know the girls will be talking about it. When they bring it up, I have some questions for them. For example, why are we so enthralled by forbidden love? The handsome vampire named Edward says, rather bluntly, that vampires are enticing to humans (their food) by nature. "Everything about me invites you in--my voice, my face, even my smell." These fictional vampires are designed to attract humans to them, making it easier for them pounce, attack, and kill. The human girl named Bella, knowing the dangers involved, still wants to pursue the relationship, even asking him to bite her so she can become a vampire too.
In the same way, Satan knows what we find attractive and uses that to lure us into his trap. While Satan does not literally kill us, he can lead us to death. When we follow him and turn away from our Savior, we choose death over the life Christ offers us. We want immortality on our own terms. We want what we think is perfect love. We don't realize that we already have a Perfect Love in Jesus. Even when we do realize it, we don't want to wait for it. Rather, we seek immediate gratification, knowing the dangers involved.
There are three more books in the series, so I don't know what happens beyond what I saw in the movie. I'm interested, though, to see where this goes.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
We Are to Be in the World, But Not of the World
This past Wednesday, the group's conversation topic somehow got to celebrities. We talked about good movies, good actors, and attractive actors. In the midst of our conversation, a girl mentioned that she no longer respects/admires Jake Gyllenhaal for his role in the controversial movie about homosexuality, "Brokeback Mountain." She is not the first person I've heard make this comment.
Quite frankly, there are few movies that live up to our standard of morality. We watch people muder each other. We laugh when crude, racist, or malicious jokes are made. We hear God's name used in vain. We don't think twice when we see blasphemy and idolatry. And nearly every movie, regardless of genre, seems to condone fornication. This is what we call entertainment today.
I just find it hard to understand why an actor portraying a homosexual man is less deserving of respect than an actor portraying a cold-blooded murderer. Why is a movie about homosexuality hailed by Christians as taboo and disgusting, while those same Christians tolerate movies about hatred, murder, stealing, or adultery. Sin is sin is sin.
We are all hypocrites in judging one man's sin as worse than another's. I don't know where I fall on the spectrum, but I am ceratinly no exception. Should we remove the movies from our shelves? Should we avoid buying CD's with explicit content? Should we turn off the TV for shows that aren't family oriented? What do you think?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
The Shepherd and His Sheep
While a parable is not a metaphor, it is similar. So, it's no surprise that I love parables. I am very much like Jesus' disciples because I don't always understand the parables until they are explained to me. Even the ones that I think I understand usually have so much deeper meanings than what I ascribe to them. My favorite is "The Parable of the Lost Sheep." (Luke 15:3-7)
Sheep are not the smartest animals. When they wander away from the flock, they usually cannot find their way back. They drown easily. They will always follow the leader, even off of a cliff. They can't get off their backs and will die if no one helps them. They are vision-impaired. Though this may seem strange, I find comfort in being likened to a dumb sheep. It reminds me of my reliance on God because I cannot do anything right. Without my Shepherd, I am defenseless and lost. I wander away from what I know and lose my way. I sink in stormy waters. I find myself on my back and need someone to save me.
I find comfort in this because we have a Savior who comes looking for us when we wander away from Him and rejoices when He finds us. Jesus doesn't let us drown. No matter how many times we end up on our backs, He comes and sets us on our feet every time. He is the leader that will ALWAYS lead us to safety and away from life's cliffs. He protects us from predators. Without Him, we are left to our own devices which always lead us to spiritual death.But Jesus is the Good Shepherd, Who lays down His life for us, His sheep. (John 10:11) He did this so that we may have Life.
So, when I find that I have wandered away from the flock and I can't find my way back alone, I know that my Shepherd will come find me, put me on his shoulders, and take me home where I belong.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Settling Down
I don't miss Florida...just the people who live there. I checked another day off the calendar and noted that I've been in Georgia for two and half months. I've been working as the RUF Intern for five weeks.
I've been fairly busy trying to meet the girls at Kennesaw State. Two weeks ago, all the Georgia schools with RUF groups got together in Temple, Georgia for Fall Conference. The weekend away with the students provided some great opportunities to solidify some relationships and open doors to new relationships with the girls. Getting to the point where everyone feels comfortable around everyone else is a slow and long process. I'm beginning to see the personality of each of the girls shine through.
Amid the surprise of fall colors, chats over lunches, and other miscellaneous activities, I am learning that I cannot control everything that is happening around me. It's humbling when I realize that God is sovereign over the seemingly botched conversations and unexpectedly awkward moments. When I start trying to qualify my work as an intern, I need to be reminded that I cannot mess up God's plan for my life, or anyone else's for that matter. How great it is to know that He uses our sinful actions and skewed motives for His ultimate purpose and glory. Similarly, I cannot accomplish anything good on my own. Instead, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in me, sanctifying me and growing me.
Prayer Requests:
~Rest: For the past several weeks, I have had a lot of trouble sleeping. I've had a few weeks of distubing nightmares that cause me to wake up in fear and anxiety. The nightmares stopped last week, but I still cannot sleep through the night. I am really struggling to see how God is at work in my restlessness.
~Friendships: I haven't yet found a social circle outside of my work with RUF. At times, it gets pretty lonely.
~Students: The students are in the midst of midterms and school is demanding more and more of their free time. Many of them also have part-time jobs and some have major life issues they are dealing with.
~Ministry: Pray for God's work in Kennesaw, that He may use us to reach others with the Gospel; that Chris Bowen and I may lovingly speak Truth into the students' lives whether they are Christians or not.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I Can See Clearly Now...
I used to pride myself on my 20/20 vision. Thus, the opposite was inevitable. As of yesterday, I have joined the glasses-wearing crowd. The eye doctor says I don't have to wear them all the time, just when I am reading or on the computer or driving at night. So, I'll pretty much be wearing them all the time.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I hung up the phone, sat on my couch, and buried my face in the pillow as tears welled up in my eyes. I wasn't crying because I got the job, which I was thrilled about. I was crying because in this month of waiting, I hadn't realized how my heart had started to harden. Everyday, I waited to get a call telling me I wasn't going to be an intern this year. I began questioning what God was calling me to do in Kennesaw.
In one fatal blow, God put my doubts and indifference to rest. I cannot express how freeing it is to know that the Holy Spirit is working in my heart, battling the idols I build up for myself. I am His and I am thankful that He is so jealous that He wants me all to Himself! I don't want to belong to anyone or anything else.
Thank you all for the love you've shown me these past few months! Every e-mail, letter, and phone call has been an encouragement to trust in God's provisions. I couldn't have done it without you. Our journey at KSU is just beginning and I am more than excited to share in this ministry with you.
RUF large group will meet for the third time tonight, but it will be my first time. Please, pray for that the students will come with open minds and hearts and that God will use Chris Bowen's message to reach out to them. Pray, also, that I seek only to glorify God and point students to Jesus as I meet and get to know them this year. And, of course, send up a prayer or thanks and praise for His provisions in getting me on campus.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
From Oranges to Peaches
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Lost In Thought...Completely Lost
Reason 1: I have been left to entertain thoughts, too many thoughts. Have you ever had the experience when you are trying in vain to fall asleep, but you have hundreds of different thoughts wandering through your mind like fruit flies looking for some vinegary solution in an empty kitchen. That has been my experience the days when I have no errands to run. Even as I try to read the books for my intern study program, my mind cannot focus. I've kept myself cooped up in this apartment for too long.
So, this past Friday I broke out of what seems to be a self-imposed jail and visited Marietta Square. To start, I took a wrong turn and ended up far from my destination. I used to pride myself on my directional talents. I still want to. That's why I didn't print out the directions. Now is not quite the time for me to express just how Georgia has messed with my inborn GPS.
The Square was so lovely. Artsy, antique-y, old-school buildings and shoppes. In keeping with the old town theme, the shops were all closed by six, which is just about the time I shifted into "PARK." Heh. So, I strolled and looked around. I wanted to just sit in a coffee shop, but I was too cheap to want to buy coffee. I chickened out and just walked on by, got in my car, and drove home. I did not pass "Go" and I did not collect $200.
Reason 2: Here is what really matters. I see this abundance of free time as a waste. I have only ever felt productive when I'm crossing items off a to-do list that exceeds the physical limits of what a person can do in a day. I've always known I defined myself and my days by my productivity. Sure, being productive can be glorifying to God, but that is not the only thing He calls us to be. Resting on Sundays can be just as glorifying.
I've been living in Sunday seven days a week. I feel lazy and I don't like lazy. I feel guilty when I spend everyday watching movies, driving through town without a destination, doing handstands against my apartment walls, falling asleep while reading, checking my e-mail every five minutes, walking around Marietta Square, eating everything in sight, and playing with my dog. So many people desire this free time. I am not saying that all of these things are okay to do all the time. I suppose I don't really know what I am saying. I'm just struggling with understanding what I should be doing instead.
The problem is that I am defining everything by my thoughts and feelings. The problem is that I'm making it all about me when it has nothing to do with me. What is God doing with me at this moment? How might I glorify Him in this blessing of time? I'll be looking for local volunteer opportunities, but, until then, I must learn patience.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
RUF Internship Update
In order to start meeting students and forming relationships, I need to raise 75% of the total $30,000, which comes to $23,000. Basically, I have less than two weeks to have $7,500 pledged in my name.
It's difficult to see all those dollar signs and not get discouraged. Even harder yet, is being in Kennesaw and not being able to start meeting the students who started classes this past Friday. The first RUF large group meeting is next Tuesday and I really want to be there. But I have to stop and see the bigger picture. I can't get discouraged because it is not over. My God is a big God and He is bigger than a few thousand dollars.
I ask you to pray:
- for the campus ministry at KSU, the campus minister, and the students
- that the Holy Spirit will work to raise the $7,500 necessary to do ministry with RUF
- that I will be bold in asking people and do it all for the glory of God
Thank you all so much! I'll be in touch with you soon.
Do you want to Give toward Christina's RUF Funds? Click the link below to find out how.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
There's Coffee in Georgia
Georgia is certainly different from Florida. With cities like Rome, Athens, Dallas, Nashville, and Gainesville, Georgia is made up of familiar names and unfamiliar places. Aren't there enough creative minds out there to come up with unique city names? I have known that Gainesville is not a city name unique to Gator Country, but it's still weird to drive through Georgia and see signs for Gainesville.
Even weirder yet, is writing the letters "GA" next to the space marked "State." I've moved around enough times in my lifetime that a new street address is not all that out of the ordinary. However, the first few times I wrote my new address I had to pause when I got to the state. Other than having spent many childhood summer vacations in Haiti with my grandparents and extended family, the only places I have been able to call home are Miami and Gainesville. (We'll ignore the fact that there's a Miami, Ohio.)
I like my new state. It's temperate. It's scenic. It's diverse. It's not far from Florida. I could see myself living here for a while, but who knows where the Lord will lead me in years to come? I've only been here for a bit, 14 days to be exact. I've only had a taste of what the peach state has to offer, but based on this taste, I'd order it "for here," not "to go."
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
God Brought Me Back to Life
I am beginning to feel as if I have exhausted my contacts for support. I found myself sitting at home without a plan to move forward. I asked myself if the optimism I had been feeling before was truly faith or was it me deliberately ignoring God's "No." I wanted nothing more than to lie around and sulk. Uncertainty is not a pleasant feeling, but sometimes it's all we have as we wait for God work (and He is ALWAYS at work). I wanted to cry, but I didn't. I wanted to pout and throw a tantrum, but I didn't. In the past, I have entertained such moods and feelings.
Instead, I picked up my Bible and started reading 1 Peter. Instead of sitting around and asking God "Why?" or "What do I do?," I read His very Word. Granted, I didn't do this enthusiastically, but, still, He led me to read. His Word is always at my fingertips, yet I tend to treat it like any other book. This is His answer to our prayers. This is Him showing His love for us. This is Him breathing life into our hearts.
I know His Word transforms us, but I always thought of it soley as a slow, life-long process (which it is). But today, I felt it instantaneously. Satan tempted me to despair, but God brought me back to life.
After reading, I began doing and crossing things off my to-do list. I came back to my computer with some positive news in the support-raising realm. He continues to raise people up to support me as an intern. Though some would say the donations are small, they certainly add up and I am so thankful for them. He has not called me to quit. He has not given me a "No."
"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.'"
-Jeremiah 29:11-13
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Newness of Life
The town is so beautiful. On Saturday, I saw what I believe to be Kennesaw Mountain. Oh how I love mountains! What an amazing reminder of how great our Creator is! I think I could have just sat parked on Cobb Parkway and stared out for hours. I can't wait to get up close and personal.
Unfortunately, the mountains will have to wait. Now, that I have made the move from Florida to Georgia, I must refocus my efforts to raising support for my RUF Internship at Kennesaw State University. Even though, I have not been actively fundraising this past week, God has been working in people's hearts to give. He has raised nearly half of the money I need. Oh, He is so so good to me!
I am trying not to discern His plan from recent events because anything can happen. I am not giving up. Seriously, my heart beats significantly faster when I start to think of my possible future job as an RUF intern because I am so excited to serve Him through this ministry. I pray that this is His plan for my life and I am trusting in His provisions, whatever they may be.
This part of my life's journey has been so amazing. The Holy Spirit has been working in my heart in ways I could have never predicted. Everyday, I am a different person than the day before. The newness of life in Christ grows deeper each day as I begin to understand what it's like to truly Live. I simply cannot wait to continue this journey!
Thank you all so much for your prayers! I know He hears them.
Friday, July 25, 2008
It Is Well With My Soul
In this time of overwhelming sadness, I am living every second clinging to the Cross, wiping my tears on my Savior's robes. I feel as if He has written this on my heart. I feel so called to this internship. I feel so prepared for a lifetime of ministry. And yet, the funds are not coming in to confirm my calling. Is my heart in the right place? What is God teaching me? What plans does He have for my life?
PLEASE, pray that He will give me wisdom in this difficult time. Pray that I will run to Him in my time of need. Please, also consider supporting me financially. YOU may be the avenue through which God will raise this money in no time at all.
He has not moved me to give up. I am giving it all in this next week. If He does not move people to give, then I must accept it and discern where He wants me.
But I truly believe that God is good! I believe that He, in His power and might, is able to raise to raise any amount of money in any amount of time! He can, but will He?
"It Is Well With My Soul" by Horatio Spafford
When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
It is well, with my soul,It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul.
Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ has regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!
And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I Am Learning
Thank you for praying for me in this transitional part of my life. You can definitely send up a prayer of praise because God has already provided $4,000 towards my need of $30,600 pledged by August 1. The craziest part of it all is that it has come from people I never expected would support me!
As a part of my RUF Internship, I have a study program that requires me to read certian books each month. This past month, I have been reading 1) Trusting God by Jerry Bridges, 2) Asking by Jerold Panas, and 3) the book of Mark. For obvious reasons, these books are great for me to read right now. Trusting God is not easy because we can't understand what He is doing and why. We see the present and forget that God is sovreign; that He is in total control. I forget that He is in control when I am making the dreaded calls to ask people for support. I think, "If I say the wrong thing or forget to say this, I'll ruin my chance for financial support!" But the truth is that I cannot ruin what God has planned. Whew!
Then Mark 4:37-41 showed me that the apostles struggled to trust in Jesus too. When the seas were rough, they feared for their lives despite having the Son of God in their presence. Jesus is always in our presence. He is involved in every secon of our lives, whether we are sleeping or caught in the middle of a storm. This means that we can always rest in Him and trust Him! So, I am learning to trust Him for my future by His constant reminders that He is faithful.
So, thanks for the amazing encouragement you've provided me thus far! I ask you, again, to please consider supporting me if you can. A pledge to give $10, $25, or even $50 a month, would be very helpful, but one-time gifts are also greatly appreciated!! Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in supporting college campus ministry, please send me their contact information.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5
Friday, June 13, 2008
Hello Atlanta
I started my 1600 mile journey by driving from Gainesville to Atlanta for RUF Staff Training. I was overwhelmed by the experience. Somewhere between meeting new people and signing papers, I got lost in a sea of information. I spent most of Tuesday on the brink of tears; some spilled out against my hardest efforts to hold them back. We were being told to take care of ourselves throughout the internship, not to retreat into a shell where no one can reach us. I had a hard time taking this in because I don't take care of myself now. I'm getting better at letting people help me, but I don't want to get to the point where I depend on people over God. On Tuesday, they also talked about fundraising...enough said. Trust God!
The rest of the week was more uplifting and encouraging. The RUF Staff are amazing people who truly care about you and love you. The other new interns were a fun bunch and I look forward to getting to know each of them better.
Before driving back to Gainesville on Thursday, I took a 20 minute drive north of Atlanta to visit Kennesaw State University. I bought a KSU t-shirt and toured the campus. Though Chris Bowen, the campus minister at KSU, wasn't physically there, he was nice enough to give me a tour of the campus by phone. KSU is definitely different from the University of Florida in many ways, but that doesn't worry me. In fact, I like that it's so different from what I'm used to.
On Friday, I drove from Gainesville to Jacksonville for a friend's wedding. It was beautiful to see two wonderful people come together as one before God. I wish them nothing but the best. Immediately after the reception I drove to Miami where I spent two days enjoying the company of family and friends. By Tuesday night, I was back in Gainesville in time for summer RUF large group. What a week!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Officially Employed
Tomorrow, I will leave my home at some ridiculous hour of the morning to drive to Atlanta, Georgia for orientation. I am ready to meet all my fellow interns and get to know them. Please, pray for our safety as we travel from all different parts of the country, for encouragement as we learn about our new jobs, and for our growth in trusting God, His sovreignty, and His faithfulness.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happily Ever After
I've been a romantic for as long as I can remember and some of the episodes definitely play on my emotions. I've grown to view love as less of a fairytale and more of a cooperation between two people. I can certainly attest to the fact that not every fairytale beginning has a "happily ever after" ending, and that's okay.
I found this season of "The Bachelorette" particularly intriguing because there was a man who openly professed his faith as a Christian. I was attracted to the fact that he was forward with his faith and lifestyle choices that accompany it. As the show progressed, I paid close attention to this man's actions and words, only to be left disappointed by the way he portrayed himself. He played himself up to be a righteous person who is better than everyone else. While there is nothing wrong with practicing abstinence, there is something wrong with thinking you're better because you practice it. At one point, he told the bachelorette that he didn't cuss or do any "bad things," but he cusses at a fellow bachelor a few days later.
It is quite possible that the producers of the show edited the footage to make it appear differently than how it actually happened. Then, I may be misjudging him. Still, this is what non-Christians see and think all Christians are like. Let me be the first to admit that I have been hypocritical more times than I can count. I am a sinner just like everyone else. I hope the difference is that I am not proclaiming to be righteous. I am not "good." Jesus is the only one who was ever righteous and good. Christians are not going to Heaven because of their morality or goodness, but because of Jesus' morality and goodness. He is the only One who can give us a "happily ever after."
Monday, May 26, 2008
One of the people on my list is my father, a man I have never seen or met. I grew up wondering about who he was and what he looked like. Three years ago, I found out where he lived and sent him a letter. I never got a response. That was, hands down, the most awful time in my life. I strayed from my other Father and distanced myself from my family and friends. It took me two years to put the whole experience in the background. I'm so numb to it, that thinking about it evokes no emotion whatsoever. It's one of the things I hide under my mask. It's a secret I keep. It's the thing that no one wants to ask me about because no one knows what to say.
I decided to send him my support letter. With it, I enclosed yet another letter to him expressing my desire to get to know him. I told him what the last letter did to me emotionally and begged him to give me some sort of response so that I may have closure. If I got a note in the mail saying "Leave me alone!," then at least I could stop wondering if he ever got my letters. It would hurt. I would be brokenhearted, but it would be closure.
The only One who will bring me through what I am about to go through is the only One I can call Daddy. Right now, I'm silently screaming "Daddy!"
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Interested in Supporting Me at KSU?
To make a pledge, you send an e-mail with your name, address, and pledge amount to or you can call 678-825-1070. Pledges count towards my goal, even if the money is not physically there yet.
Write checks out to "Reformed University Fellowship" with “Christina Rodriguez support” on the memo line. You will receive a receipt and an envelope for your next gift.You can mail checks to:
Reformed University Fellowship
1700 North Brown Road, Suite 104
Lawrenceville, GA 30043
This is only for one-time donations using credit cards. Pledges or automatically recurring donations cannot be made through our website. If you would prefer to give online, visit Click on the “donate online” button on the middle of the page. After you are prompted to fill out your personal information, you will be asked to specify where you want your donation to go. Under "Staff Member" scroll down to find "Rodriguez, Christina - KSU Intern" and select.
The easiest way to set this is up is to call the RUF Office at 678-825-1070.
Reformed University Ministries will process EFT donations in the same manner as we do other types of donations, including issuing a monthly receipt. EFT is cost free and hassle free. You have total control over your gift. You can stop or change your gift at any time by notifying Reformed University Ministries.It’s easy to begin:1. Write a note to the office address (see address above) expressing your wish monthly drafts to your account and your name and address to include with your check as well as the name of the staff member you wish to support (Christina Rodriguez).2. Attach a check for the first month’s donation or a voided check3. Mail the check and the authorization form or note to Reformed University MinistriesYour confirmation letter will include the date the first transfer will be made.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
A Big Box with My Name on It
I spent part of yesterday searching for roommates to possibly live with in Kennesaw. I have a strong feeling this is going to be a big learning experience. The only other time I've had a roommate was my freshman year in college. We learned a lot from each other that year. All things considered, she was a pretty great roommate. Sharing living quarters is not only cheaper, but it also grows you in ways you can't grow when you're living by yourself and have everything done your way. There is no doubt in my mind that living on my own these past three years has made me selfish and self-centered.
Still, I can't wait!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Support Letter
I want to work with college students because I am at an age when I can still relate to them and empathize with many of the situations they are facing. As a student, I found it easier to talk and relate to someone my age. College students are trying to understand themselves and the world in which they live, all while making life-changing decisions. Sometimes, all they need is a friend to listen to them or a leader to point them in a different direction. I truly enjoy listening to and learning from others.
The intern program will offer me the opportunity to serve under the leadership of Chris Bowen, the RUF Campus Minister at KSU. Every Tuesday night in large group we will pray, sing, listen to the Word of God, and enjoy fellowship with one another. Throughout the year, I will lead small group Bible studies, disciple and meet with female students on an individual basis, and assist with our local and statewide conferences. The year will present many challenges, but by God’s grace, He will sustain me each and every day.
As I take on the role of an intern, I will need faithful support. First and foremost, I need your prayers. Although a majority of my time will be spent with students, I also desire to know and more deeply understand the truths in Scripture. The combination of intense personal study and a demanding schedule will undoubtedly require great energy and a hunger for the ministry. Second, I need financial support. Because our salaries and expenses are raised completely through your generous gifts, I ask that you would prayerfully consider supporting my work with RUF. I will need to raise $30,600, and I will need 75% ($23,000) of this before I can move and begin working on campus. All contributions are tax deductible and the enclosed return envelope outlines several ways in which you can help meet my needs or you can also give online at
God used RUF at the University of Florida to reach me and draw me into Him at a time when I felt lonely, dejected, and hopeless. He has blessed me with friends that support me when I am in need and challenge me when I am wrong. Now, full of hope through faith in Jesus, I am blessed with the opportunity to serve as part of the ministry that so amazingly served me.
Thank you in advance for your consideration. I look forward to you sharing in our ministry at Kennesaw State University.
Christina Rodriguez