“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”
-2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought the good fight.

My last semester at Kennesaw State was the hardest for many reasons, one of them being that I did not want to leave. What a beautiful gift the Lord has given me—to walk alongside these young women, to cry with them, to laugh with them, to watch them struggle and grow in faith, to learn from them! I love my girls, my sisters in Christ. The tears I shed as I write this are happy and hopeful ones. Oh, joy!
I have finished the race.
And just like that, two years have come and gone. I am sad to report that I was unable to raise the funds necessary to continue working with RUF for a third year, but I take comfort in knowing that this is a part of God’s perfect and wonderful plan. Still, I am leaving RUF with a $3000 deficit. Anything you can give in my name from now on will be used to chip away at this deficit. By all measurable human standards, I should not have been able to raise enough money in my first or second year. THANK YOU for making these past two years a reality! God has been at work through you and me. I eagerly wait to see the ways in which He will continue to use the RUF ministry at KSU.
I have kept the faith.
Now what? Well, I have applied and been accepted to Covenant Theological Seminary in Saint Louis, Missouri. I will start the Masters in Counseling program this August. The lessons I’ve learned and the experiences I’ve had during the past couple of years will certainly add to my future education, giving me a frame of reference to think about counseling practices from a Biblical perspective. I don’t know where God will take me after I finish my studies in 2013, but I would love to come back to college ministry. Until then, let’s keep in touch.