Monday, August 17, 2009

And They're Off...

Today is the first day of fall semester classes at Kennesaw State University. Students with new notebooks and freshly sharpened pencils populate the walkways between buildings on campus. Some are walking the hallways for the first time. Others are seasoned veterans. Whichever category they fit into, they all have fresh start to a new year and so do I.

It is great to be on campus today. I've been waiting for this all summer. I cannot wait to meet new girls and build relationships with them. I am eager to experience what God has in store for us. I've already gotten some names and e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers. I can't help but feel that this is what I was made for!

As we spend this week handing out flyers and cups, please pray that students will not write us off as "yet another Christian group."
Pray that we will provide a safe and fun environment where community is built on the foundation of Christ-centered relationships.
Pray that our older students would rise up to engage, serve, and lead new students.
Pray that I would be diligent and intentional about pursuing freshmen and fringe girls, and that I would love them through thick and thin.
Pray for our large group meetings which start next Tuesday, August 25 and for Rev. Chris Bowen as he preaches about relationships.
Pray for my continued support-raising. I am still in need of $17,000 in order to continue working at KSU through the spring.
Praise for God's unyielding provisions in the last few weeks, especially for my new roommate Tiffany who has already been such an encouragement.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Hooray for a fresh start!