Saturday, June 28, 2008

I Am Learning

I can't believe the month of June is over already. Why does time seem to fly by when you want it most to stand still? Time is definitely not on my side, but, fortunately, God is on my side!!

Thank you for praying for me in this transitional part of my life. You can definitely send up a prayer of praise because God has already provided $4,000 towards my need of $30,600 pledged by August 1. The craziest part of it all is that it has come from people I never expected would support me!

As a part of my RUF Internship, I have a study program that requires me to read certian books each month. This past month, I have been reading 1) Trusting God by Jerry Bridges, 2) Asking by Jerold Panas, and 3) the book of Mark. For obvious reasons, these books are great for me to read right now. Trusting God is not easy because we can't understand what He is doing and why. We see the present and forget that God is sovreign; that He is in total control. I forget that He is in control when I am making the dreaded calls to ask people for support. I think, "If I say the wrong thing or forget to say this, I'll ruin my chance for financial support!" But the truth is that I cannot ruin what God has planned. Whew!

Then Mark 4:37-41 showed me that the apostles struggled to trust in Jesus too. When the seas were rough, they feared for their lives despite having the Son of God in their presence. Jesus is always in our presence. He is involved in every secon of our lives, whether we are sleeping or caught in the middle of a storm. This means that we can always rest in Him and trust Him! So, I am learning to trust Him for my future by His constant reminders that He is faithful.

So, thanks for the amazing encouragement you've provided me thus far! I ask you, again, to please consider supporting me if you can. A pledge to give $10, $25, or even $50 a month, would be very helpful, but one-time gifts are also greatly appreciated!! Also, if you know of anyone who might be interested in supporting college campus ministry, please send me their contact information.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

Friday, June 13, 2008

Hello Atlanta

After driving around the southeastern United States for the past week and a half, I am ready to trade in my car keys for a pair of sneaker and some comfy socks. As exhausting as my various trips were, they were also enjoyable and enlightening.

I started my 1600 mile journey by driving from Gainesville to Atlanta for RUF Staff Training. I was overwhelmed by the experience. Somewhere between meeting new people and signing papers, I got lost in a sea of information. I spent most of Tuesday on the brink of tears; some spilled out against my hardest efforts to hold them back. We were being told to take care of ourselves throughout the internship, not to retreat into a shell where no one can reach us. I had a hard time taking this in because I don't take care of myself now. I'm getting better at letting people help me, but I don't want to get to the point where I depend on people over God. On Tuesday, they also talked about fundraising...enough said. Trust God!

The rest of the week was more uplifting and encouraging. The RUF Staff are amazing people who truly care about you and love you. The other new interns were a fun bunch and I look forward to getting to know each of them better.

Before driving back to Gainesville on Thursday, I took a 20 minute drive north of Atlanta to visit Kennesaw State University. I bought a KSU t-shirt and toured the campus. Though Chris Bowen, the campus minister at KSU, wasn't physically there, he was nice enough to give me a tour of the campus by phone. KSU is definitely different from the University of Florida in many ways, but that doesn't worry me. In fact, I like that it's so different from what I'm used to.

On Friday, I drove from Gainesville to Jacksonville for a friend's wedding. It was beautiful to see two wonderful people come together as one before God. I wish them nothing but the best. Immediately after the reception I drove to Miami where I spent two days enjoying the company of family and friends. By Tuesday night, I was back in Gainesville in time for summer RUF large group. What a week!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Officially Employed

Today, I have officially become a member of the RUF Staff. It's exciting, but it's not permanent until I have $23,000 pledged. I could easily complain until my fingers fall off about fundraising, but that would just prove my insecurities and lack of trust in God's plan for my life. Why do we doubt despite His faithfulness and infinite goodness? Why do I?

Tomorrow, I will leave my home at some ridiculous hour of the morning to drive to Atlanta, Georgia for orientation. I am ready to meet all my fellow interns and get to know them. Please, pray for our safety as we travel from all different parts of the country, for encouragement as we learn about our new jobs, and for our growth in trusting God, His sovreignty, and His faithfulness.