Friday, October 17, 2008

Settling Down

When I signed a lease in Kennesaw, Georgia, I was aware that I was no longer in Florida. When the first day of October brought a cool, crisp morning, I realized I was no longer in Florida. When I looked out my window this afternoon and saw the green, yellow, orange, and red leaves on a cluster of trees, I knew I was no longer in Florida.

I don't miss Florida...just the people who live there. I checked another day off the calendar and noted that I've been in Georgia for two and half months. I've been working as the RUF Intern for five weeks.

I've been fairly busy trying to meet the girls at Kennesaw State. Two weeks ago, all the Georgia schools with RUF groups got together in Temple, Georgia for Fall Conference. The weekend away with the students provided some great opportunities to solidify some relationships and open doors to new relationships with the girls. Getting to the point where everyone feels comfortable around everyone else is a slow and long process. I'm beginning to see the personality of each of the girls shine through.

Amid the surprise of fall colors, chats over lunches, and other miscellaneous activities, I am learning that I cannot control everything that is happening around me. It's humbling when I realize that God is sovereign over the seemingly botched conversations and unexpectedly awkward moments. When I start trying to qualify my work as an intern, I need to be reminded that I cannot mess up God's plan for my life, or anyone else's for that matter. How great it is to know that He uses our sinful actions and skewed motives for His ultimate purpose and glory. Similarly, I cannot accomplish anything good on my own. Instead, it is the work of the Holy Spirit in me, sanctifying me and growing me.

Prayer Requests:

~Rest: For the past several weeks, I have had a lot of trouble sleeping. I've had a few weeks of distubing nightmares that cause me to wake up in fear and anxiety. The nightmares stopped last week, but I still cannot sleep through the night. I am really struggling to see how God is at work in my restlessness.
~Friendships: I haven't yet found a social circle outside of my work with RUF. At times, it gets pretty lonely.
~Students: The students are in the midst of midterms and school is demanding more and more of their free time. Many of them also have part-time jobs and some have major life issues they are dealing with.
~Ministry: Pray for God's work in Kennesaw, that He may use us to reach others with the Gospel; that Chris Bowen and I may lovingly speak Truth into the students' lives whether they are Christians or not.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I miss you already, friend. Thanks for making my b-day special. Praying for you...