Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wonderfully Exhausting

I just got back from RUF October training last week. About three times each year, we come together to learn, fellowship, and grow. On our nights off, we exchange stories and hugs. We crowd around long tables and enjoy each others' company. Training provides an atmosphere where we can have candid conversations that leave me deep in thought. It's wonderfully exhausting, but I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I come home from training and realize how much I crave (and thrive on) good debates and deep discussions, especially in small groups. I'm definitely a relational being. I want to hear people's ideas and examine their perspectives. I want my ideas and perspectives to be challenged. I want to be reminded, convicted, confused, and engaged by others.

To some extent, that is what I do with students. That's part of why I love this ministry God has called me to. It's all relational. But there is an aspect of having to hold some things back when it comes to students, an aspect that completely disappears in peer relationships. Hmmm...

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